Clinique de Montchoisi

Dr. med. Stéphane Borloz

FMH specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation

SEMS specialist in sports medicine


Contact me

Hospital (1)

Centre de médecine du sport
Avenue Servan 10
1006 Lausanne

Work Experience

since 2023

Accredited physician, Clinique de Montchoisi, Lausanne, Switzerland

since 2019

Referring doctor for the Ballet Béjart, Switzerland

since 2018

Referring doctor for Swiss Athletics

since 2014

Accredited physician, Clinique Bois-Cerf, Sport Medicine Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland

2019 - 2023

Doctor at the SMCC centre, Montreux, Switzerland

2012 - 2013

Head of Clinic, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland

2011 - 2012

Head of Clinic, University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland


  • Swiss Society of Sports Medicine (SEMS)
  • Swiss Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (SSMPR)
  • French-speaking network of exercise and sports medicine (RRMES), committee member 2014 to 2018
  • Vaud Society of Medicine (SVM)
  • Federation of Swiss Doctors (FMH)



Mesotherapy training, Lausanne, Switzerland


Specialist FMH in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine


SSMS Specialist Certificate in Sports Medicine


Doctorate in Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland


Federal diploma in medicine, University of Lausanne, Switzerland


  • « Dyskinésie de l’omoplate », Rev Med Suisse. 2012;8:2422-2428
  • « Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Reliability, Internal consistency and Validation of the Spinal Function Sort (SFS) for French- and German-Speaking Patients with Back Complaints », J Occup Rehabil. 2012 Mar 13
  • « Evidence for Validity and Reliability of a French Version of the FAAM », BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2011 Feb 8;12:40.
  • « Dopage chez les sportifs amateurs », Schweiz. Zeit. Sportmed. Sporttraum., 2013 : 61(1), 21-22 (non référencé)
  • « Options thérapeutiques dans la tendinopathie rotulienne », Rev Med Suisse 2012;8:1486-1489
  • « Influence on strength and flexibility of a swing phase-specific hamstring eccentric program in sprinters general preparation », J Strength Cond Res. 2015 Jul 11
  • « Activités physique - sport et arthrose », Rev Med Suisse. 2012 Mar 14;8(332):564, 566-8, 570
  • « Injection of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for the treatment of sports injuries: a review », Schweiz. Zeit. Sportmed. Sporttraum., 2012: 60(4), 157-160 (non référencé)
  • « Validity and Reliability of Maximal Strength Assessment of Knee Flexors and Extensors Using Elastic Bands. », J Sport Rehabil. 2015, 24, 151 -155
  • « Echelles d’évaluation fonctionnelle », Rééducation neurologique, Dr A Chantraine, éditions Arnette 2013 (3ème édition)


Symposium genou traumatique : "tout savoir sur l'entorse de genou"

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