Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Susanna Grego

Specialist in Cardiology, member FMH

Areas of specialisation (1)

Contact me

Hospital (1)
Clinica Sant'Anna
Via Sant'Anna 1
6924 Sorengo


1992 - 1996

Specialization in Cardiology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy

1983 - 1990

Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan, Milan, Italy



  • Introduction to gender medicine. Symposium: Men and women in cardiology. For a medicine of differences. Lugano 26 September 2019.
  • Syndromic mitral regurgitation, M.I.T.R.A.L.E 2017, 7 Meeting on advanced Echocardiography Repairing Techniques, San Raffaele, Milan
  • Dissection of the aorta: a "killer" to be known. Thedimensions of the problem in Ticino. Lugano, 2017
  • The Marfan syndrome and related pathologies in Ticino. Marfan day of Italian Switzerland Bellinzona, 2016
  • L'evoluzione nel tempo della diagnosi di sindrome di Marfan, Marfan day della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano 2015
  • New diagnostic criteria for syndromic and non-syndromic Marfan related collagenopathies, Mediterranea Cardiac Surgery Symposia, Napoli 2015
  • A case of Marfan syndrome. GeneticArca. Fifth course in cardiovascular genetics, Venice, 2015
  • Marfan syndrome clinical experience and highlights on new Ghent criteria for diagnosis
    Cardiovascular aspects and treatment in Marfan syndrome, 5th Anglo Israel Cardiovascular Symposium Collaboration of Cardiac expertise, London, 2014
  • Marfan syndrome: a rare but curable disease. The multicenter international experience, Rome Italy, 2014.


37) Gallo M, van den Berg JC, Ferrari E, Riggi M, Grego S, Demertzis S. Outcome of Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) after Aortic Dissection. SSC/SSCS SSP Joint Annual Meeting 2020. June 3-5, 2020, Davos, Switzerland.

36) M Gallo, M Riggi, J van den Berg, S Grego, E Ferrari. Pathology specific aortic outcomes after Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR). Innovation, technologies and techniques in Cardiothoracic and cardiovascular/vascular surgery ISMICS. Warsaw 4-6 June 2020

35) A. Quagliana, S. Grego, E. Pasotti, M. Araco, G. Cioffi, M. Roberto, M. Moccetti, G. Pedrazzini, T. Moccetti. Sex and gender differences in TAVI patients: from clinical presentation to procedural outcomes. SSC/SSCS-SSP/SSTS Joint Annual Meeting Davos 2020, 3-5 June Davos (online 12-14 June 2020). Published in Cardiovascular Medicine Supplementum 28, 5 June 2020.

34) Gallo M, van den Berg JC, Riggi M, Grego S, Demertzis S. Outcomes of Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) in Patients with Previous Cardiac Surgery. AATS Aortic Symposium. 23-24 April 2020, New York, NY, USA.

33) P. Bagnato, D. Eccel, S. Grego, M. Ferrara, S. Demertzis. Impact of a "lean flow" strategy on target perfusion flows in obese patients. Sex related differences. SGK Interlaken 2019

32) S. Grego, S. Demertzis. New indications for prophylactic aortic surgery: can acute type A aortic dissection be prevented?. SGK Interlaken 2019

31) Grego S., Demertzis S. Increased prevalence of overweight among patients with acute aortic type A dissection: the different aspects of a single risk factor. Evidence from The Canton Ticino dissection registry. The 66th annual conference of the Israel heart society, April 2019

30) Grego S., Demertzis S. Impact of the application of a new risk index for the prevention of ascending aortic dissection. Ninth day of clinical research of Italian Switzerland, Lugano, Switzerland, March 2019 (poster)

29) S. Grego, G. Pedrazzini, T. Moccetti, S. Demertzis. From aortic morphology to diagnosis and indication for surgery. SC/SSCS-SSP Joint annual Congress 2018, Basel, Swizerland (Poster)

28) S. Grego, G. Pedrazzini, T. Moccetti, S. Demertzis. From aortic morphology to diagnosis and indication for surgery Amsterdam (Poster)

27) Grego. S., Pedrazzini G., Moccetti T., Demertzis S. Acute dissection of the ascending aorta in Canton Ticino. Event analysis in the resident population Eighth day of clinical research in Italian Switzerland, Lugano Switzerland, March 2018 (Poster)

26) Epidemiological aspects and characteristics of type A aortic dissections in the Canton of Ticino. 78th congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology 2017, Rome, Italy (Oral presentation)

25) Grego S, Trunfio R, Torre T, Caporali E, Franciosi G, Ferrari E, Demertzis S. Small numbers, high reliability. Epidemiological aspects of acute aortic events in a defined population in Switzerland. SC/SSCS-SSP Joint annual Congress 2017, Baden (oral presentation)

24) Grego S, Trunfio R, Ferrari E, Demertzis S. Risk assessment for rupture of ascending aortic aneurysms. Are we missing something? Joint session SICCH-SGHC, XXVIII Meeting of the Italian Society for Cardiac Surgery-Rome, Nov 25th-27th, 2016 (invited oral presentation)

23) Grego S, Trunfio R, Ferrari E, Demertzis S. Risk assessment for rupture of ascending aortic aneurysms. Are we missing something? SC/SSCS-SSP Joint Annual Congress 2016 (oral presentation)

22) Grego S, Trunfio R, Franciosi G, Ferrari E, Torre T, Caporali E, Demertzis S. Aortic dissection type A undergoing cardiac surgery. Epidemiology of the event in the canton of Ticino. (poster)

Sixth day of clinical research in Italian-speaking Switzerland, Lugano, Switzerland. March 2016

21) Grego S, Trunfio R, Torre T, Franciosi G, Siclari F, Demertzis S. Surgery for ascending aortic aneurysms in canton Ticino. SC/SSCS-SSP Joint Annual Congress 2015. Zürich, Switzerland. (poster)

20) Grego S, Nardi P, Mazzaglia D, Pellegrino A, Orlandi A, Chiariello L, From surgical technique to tissue analysis in Marfan syndrome. Società Italiana di Chirurgia Cardiaca, 27th National congress, Rome, November 2014

19) Grego S, Russo M, Versaci F, Polisca P, Nardi P, Chiariello L. Impact of 2010 Ghent criteria and subgroups definition to optimize diagnosis, avoid aortic dissection and choose the right surgical timing in the experience of Tor Vergata Marfan Centre registry, ESC Congress, Amsterdam 2013 (poster)

18) Nardi P, Olevano C, Lio A, Gislao V, Chiariello G. A, Grego S, Chiariello L. Long Term results of prosthetic ring annuloplasty with use of prosthetic ring in mitral valve repair surgery, 73rd National Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Rome, 12/2012

17) Grego S, De Maio F, Mancino R, Baghernajad Salehi L, Brancati F, Chini L, Maturo P, Bollero P, D'Annolfo A, Nicolò F, Gislao V, Gigante L, Graziani S, Costacurta M, Ippolito E, Cerulli L, Novelli G, Docimo R, Chiariello L, Clinical significance of the new Ghent 2010 criteria and their importance in the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome. Experience and results of the Centre for Marfan syndrome at Policlinico Tor Vergata, 73rd National Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Rome, 12/2012.

16) D'Annolfo A, Grego S, Gislao V, Nicolò F, D'Auria F, Chiariello L, The reimplantation procedure from a particular point of view: Marfan Centre experience at Tor Vergata University (poster), XXVI SICCH national congress, Rome, 11/2012.

15) Grego S, Chiariello L, The Marfan syndrome: update along the 2010 Ghent criteria. The Rome Tor Vergata "Marfan syndrome and related disease centre" experience, XXXII World Congress of Sports Medicine, Rome, 09/2012.

14) Mye Mvondo C, D'Auria F, Bassano C, Bertoldo F, Grego S, Pellegrino A, Scafuri A, Chiariello L, Tricommissural aortic valve annuloplasty for advanced aortic regurgitation during surgical repair of ascending aorta aneurysm, 60th International Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery, Moscow, 20/05/2011.
13) Zeitani J, Greco R, Grego S, Polisca P, Bertoldo F, Chiariello L, Type of stented aortic bioprothesis is relevant in a small annulus. A prospective randomised study, Society of Heart Valve Disease and Heart Valve Society of America, Barcelona, 25-28/06/2010.

12) Nardi P, Scafuri A, Pellegrino A, Polisca P, Grego S, Zeitani J, Mve Mvondo C, Del Forno B, D'Auria F, Bertoldo F, Chiariello L, Long-term results after surgical left atrial radiofrequency ablation according to Maze procedure in concomitance with mitral valve surgery, 71° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Cardiologia, Rome, 2010.

11) Nardi P, Scafuri A, Pellegrino A, Grego S, Zeitani J, Bellos K, Bassano C, Lio A, Chiariello L, Long-term results after surgical left atrial radiofrequency ablation according to Maze procedure in association to mitral and mitro-aortic valve surgery, 5th International Meeting of the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens, 09/2010.

10) Nardi P, Pellegrino A, Nicolò F, Zeitani J, Grego S, Polisca P, Scafuri A, Chiariello L, Mid-term outcome of reductive Kay annuloplasty of the tricuspid valve in association with mitral valve surgery, 59th European Society Cardiovascular Surgery International Congress 2010, Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg

9) Nardi P, Nicolò F, Pellegrino A, Grego S, Zeitani J, Polisca P, Scafuri A, Chiariello L, Medium term out come of reductive Kay anuloplaty of the tricuspid valve in association with mitral valve surgery, 2nd Joint Meeting of the 28th Cardiovascular Surgical Symposium and the 5th Cardiac Surgery Update and Progress Meeting, Zürs, 2010.

8) Greco R, Polisca P, Grego S, Mantione L, Bertoldo F, Del Giudice C, Zeitani J, Chiariello L, Intra- and postoperative evaluation of two different aortic valve bioprostheses in a prospective randomized study, 69th Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Rome, 2008.

7) Iaci G, Polisca P, Grego S, D'Annolfo A, Binaco I, Radomile L, Zeitani J, Chiariello L, Mitral valve surgery by edge-to-edge technique and the risk of residual transvalvular gradient, 69th Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology, Rome, 2008.

6) Frontoni S, Pellegrinotti M, Spallone V, Giordano A, Rufini V, Grego S, Testa G, Schiavoni G, Gambardella S., Ventricular mass and myocardial sympathetic innervation in type 1 diabetics with autonomic neuropathy, 5th World Congress of Heart Failure Journal of Heart Failure, Vol. 4, n 1 May 1997.

5) Schiavoni G, Grego S, Cardiological risk of non-cardiac surgery, XXV Congresso Nazionale ANMIRS, Milan, 1996. Proceedings p. 29.

4) Grego S, Schiavoni G, Anticoagulazione ed Antiaggregazione, Congress "Il problema della sicurezza in anestesia", Milan, 1995, Proceedings pg. 54-56.

3) Manasse E, Sperti G, Crea F, Alessandrini F, Kol A, Canosa C, Grego S, Martinelli L, Schiavello R, Maseri A, Possati GF, Increased responsiveness to serotonin of radial artery grafts compared to internal mammary artery, Workshop on arterial conduits for myocardial revascularization, Rome, 11/1994.

2) Cianflone D, Mazzari M, Urso L, Grego S, Crea F, Artificial neural network model detects profound differences in left ventricular contraction patterns among patients with Syndrome X and normal subjects, World Congress in Computer in Cardiology, 11/1992.

1) Cianflone D, Mazzari M, Urso L, Grego S, Porter A.T, Raiswell H.T, Crea F, Maseri A, Assessment of left ventricular function in Syndrome X using artificial neural networks, 6 5Th American Heart Association, Abstract book, 11/1992.

Work Experience

Head Physician, Rare Cardiovascular Diseases Unit, Cardiocentro-Ticino, Lugano, Switzerland

since 2014

Consultant physician: outpatient clinic for Marfan syndrome and related pathologies -Fondazione Cardiocentro Ticino, Lugano Cardiac Surgery Service

since 2002

Villa Sandra Nursing Home, Rome, Outpatient Cardiologist

2015 - 2016

Physician and coordinator for Marfan syndrome and related diseases, Mediterranean Clinic, Naples, Italy, Prof. Luigi Chiariello

2008 - 2014

Coordinator and referent "Regional Centre for Marfan syndrome and related pathologies" Department of Cardiac Surgery, Policlinico Tor Vergata, Rome

2008 - 2011

Contract Professor, School of Cardiac Surgery Specialisation, University of Rome Tor Vergata

2008 - 2011

Contract professor, degree course in cardiovascular physiopathology and cardiovascular perfusion techniques, University of Rome Tor Vergata

2005 - 2007

Outpatient cardiologist, Villa del Lido Clinic, Ostia

2003 - 2004

Consultant cardiologist, Policlinico Umberto I, IV Medical Clinic, Rome


  1. Epidemiological study and characteristics of type A dissections in Canton Ticino.
  2. Rare cardiovascular diseases. Genetically determined syndromes associated with pathology of the aorta.
  3. Size indexing of the aorta. Evaluation of the diameter/height index.
  4. Study of cardiac manifestations in syndromes associated with aneurysmal pathology of the aorta (mitral leaflet and atrio-ventricular junction pathology)

Current study and dissemination activities

  1. "Sex and gender medicine in Canton Ticino.
    Creator and founder of the interest group "Gender medicine and science of differences" Founder of the project Sex and Gender medicine in Cardiology, Cardiocentro-Ticino.
  2. The concept of "definition" and its application in medicine


Millevoci Rete Uno - Dr.ssa med. Susanna Grego e Prof. Dr. med. Antonio Malgaroli

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