Clinica Ars Medica

Dr. med. Christian Domenghini

Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Locomotor System, FMH member

Discover Dr. Domenghini's video here, where he talks about why he developed a special interest in the shoulder.


Contact me

Hospital (1)
Via Grumo 16
6929 Gravesano



FMH qualification in Orthopaedics and Traumatology

1989 - 1995

Faculty of Medicine, University of Pavia

Work Experience

2006 - 2007

Head of Unit, Head of Orthopaedics, Acting Head, Orthopèidie ORBV Bellinzona

2002 - 2006

Head of Clinic, Orthopadie ORBV Bellinzona (Dr med O. Kibbel)

2001 - 2002

Assistant physician, University Clinic Balgrist Zurich (Prof Dr med C.Gerbe-PD H Notzli-PD C. Dora, DR C. Dumont)

1999 - 2001

Assistant physician, OSG Bellinzona Orthopaedics and Traumatology (PD Dr med K.Klaue)

1996 - 1998

Assistant physician, General Surgery (Dr med R.Von Huben/ Dr med A.Kuhrmeier) Orthopaedics (Dr med Charles Freuler), Lugano Italian Hospital


Assistant physician, Gran RS barracks doctor, Isone (Pza med: Dr. med. Mario Airold .via Moncucco 9, Lugano)


Assistant physician, Internal Medicine Clinic San Rocco Grano (Dr med Ezio Montedoro)

1995 - 1996

Assistant physician, Collaboration with practice Dr.Gianni RIGONI spec. FMH- Hand Surgery), Lugano

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