FMH specialist in nuclear medicine
Chemin Beau-Soleil 20
1206 Genève
Dr Olivier Rager is a nuclear medicine physician specialising in molecular imaging and oncology. He has been an associate doctor at the IMGE institute since January 2016 and a consultant doctor in the HUG nuclear medicine department. He takes part in a number of multidisciplinary conferences and is a member of the Geneva senology and onco-gynecology network (SONGE). Dr Rager specialised in nuclear medicine at the HUG and obtained his FMH diploma in nuclear medicine in 2009. He was head of clinic at the HUG from 2009 to 2015 and a research physician at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York in 2013. Involved in numerous clinical research studies aimed at improving the management of cancer patients, he has also been interested in the development of PET/CT and SPECT/CT molecular imaging technologies in oncology, cardiology and osteoarticular pathology. He is the author or co-author of numerous scientific publications and is a regular speaker at international conferences. He is a member of the 'Imaging in Diagnostic and Therapy Monitoring' section of the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK). His publications can be found at: