Anaesthesia: Medical questionnaire

Informed consent and medical questionnaire to be completed before the consultation with your anaesthetist

Information before/during/after the operation (PDF)

Informed consent (PDF)


General information
Important information

- Bring all the recent medical documents you have (such as test results, electrocardiograms and recent chest x-rays) with you to your pre-op appointment with the anaesthetist, as well as a list of the medications you are currently taking (or their boxes).
- You may also need to bring a medical report with you if, for example, you have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or lung disease.
- If your health (or your child's health) has changed since your last medical examination, even if you have had chills or a fever, please inform the doctor who asked you to attend and the anaesthetist. During this appointment, the anaesthetist will tell you if you have to refrain from eating and drinking before the operation and what medication you will need to take on the day.

- Bring with you all the medical documents you have and any medication you normally take with their boxes. AFTER THE PROCEDURE
- You will be taken from the operating theatre into the recovery room where a specialist nurse will monitor you until you are able to return to your room.
- If you are discharged from the clinic on the day of the procedure, you must have another adult with you when you leave and they must stay with you for the next 24 hours.

- Do not drink alcohol.
- Do not take sleeping tablets or sedatives, unless the anaesthetist has told you it is safe to do so.
- Do not drive or operate potentially dangerous equipment (saws, drills, etc.).
- Do not make any important decisions.
- Pain relief medication will be prescribed for you as appropriate.
- Continue taking your normal medication (unless you have been told not to).


This questionnaire will be delivered to the Anaesthetist who will treat it confidentially.
If you are being treated for a heart and/or breathing condition or, if you are insulin dependent diabetic, please make an appointment
with your personal attending doctor for him/her to prepare a detailed medical report for the attention of the Anaesthetist.

6. Previous operations and type of anaesthesia: a=general, b=epidural or spinal, c=local
9. Do you suffer from any of the following diseases (check as appropriate)
I hereby confirm that the information I have provided is correct and that Swiss Medical Network can provide me with relevant information in the context of my request and thus accept the privacy policy.