CAS in Training Practice
CAS in Training Practice
Differential approaches to motor rehabilitation for stroke: from the main classic concepts to recent approaches in practice, Alister Formation
Gasquet concept: basic and fundamental courses
Bachelor in Physiotherapy, HESAV, Lausanne, Switzerland
Maturity specializing in Health, HES Santé, Sion, Switzerland
Physiotherapist, Clinique Valmont, Glion sur Montreux, Switzerland
Physiotherapy internship in neurological rehabilitation, Hôpital Nestlé, CHUV, Lausanne (8 weeks)
Physiotherapy internship, Clinique Valmont, Glion sur Montreux (10 weeks)
Physiotherapy internship, Hôpital Riviera Chablais, Montreux (10 weeks)
Physiotherapy internship, Hôpital du Pays d’Enhaut, Château d’Œx (8 weeks)
Nurse Assistant, Résidence Grande-Fontaine, Bex, Switzerland