La Domenica - You don't improvise wound care
'You don't treat a wound with a person, but a person with a wound'. This is how Giovanna Elia, a specialist nurse in charge of the Clinica Sant'Anna wound care and stomatherapy outpatient clinic in Sorengo - an outpatient clinic that has just obtained prestigious certification from the Swiss Association of Woundcare (SAfW) - explains the approach chosen by the team of specialists whenever a patient comes to the Clinica Sant'Anna wound care and stomatherapy outpatient clinic and needs treatment for a difficult-to-heal skin wound. An injury that, to put it another way, does not respect normal healing times and implies the need for intervention by a multidisciplinary team that knows how to recognise the causes behind the delicate skin manifestation in a targeted manner. This is because for the increasing number of people suffering from various morbidities and confronted with the problems associated with chronic wounds, it is important to be able to count on the quality of care and support that specialists in the field can offer them.
Read the full article at the following link.