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60,000 bees take up residence at the Clinique de Montchoisi

We recently had the pleasure of welcoming three beehives to our clinic and harvesting our first honey!

This initiative is part of Swiss Medical Network's sustainable development strategy. The project took shape in 2019 in Neuchâtel, with the collaboration of Rafael Klock, now the group's official beekeeper. Today, all of the network's clinics are home to beehives and their recruits. 

Today, 60,000 bees buzz and around the Clinique de Montchoisi. These tireless workers, whose average life span is no more than 45 days, produce around a tablespoon of honey during their short existence. They play a crucial role in our ecosystem, pollinating 80% of all plants.

Every week, Rafael Klock oversees the protection and well-being of the colonies on the clinic sites.

From laying our hives to harvesting the honey

The queen is marked with a coloured dot for easy recognition. In high season, she can lay up to 2,000 eggs a day.

Récolte de miel

En juillet, il est temps de récolter notre premier miel. XX kg de miel ont été récolté. Par la richesse des variété de fleurs présentes en ville, notre miel a un goût unique. 

Every week, Rafael Klock looks after the protection and well-being of the installed colonies.

Some information about our beehives

The queen is marked with a coloured dot for easy recognition. In high season, she can lay up to 2,000 eggs a day.

To transform the nectar into honey, the bees heat and fan the nectar to evaporate the excess water. The honey-filled cells are then sealed with wax to protect it.

Every week, Rafael Klock looks after the protection and well-being of the installed colonies.