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Settimanale Azione - Medical hypnosis is not a magic act

Psychology: it is a therapeutic method that allows the patient to consciously tap into his or her own resources; Dr Julia Schürch tells us about it

When it comes to hypnosis, prejudices and scaremongering referring to certain pseudosciences not recognised by medicine are rife. But in truth, medical hypnosis is nothing of the sort, even though, at its origin, it boasts a distant kinship with shamanic rituals. "First of all, we must remember that historically, human beings found comfort and healing within themselves, with the help of the shaman, who increasingly became a figure capable of allowing each person to draw on his or her own resources to cope with health problems. Then, with the passage of time and our evolution, the shamanic figure gave way first to healers, and later to physicians'.

This is how Dr Julia Schürch (a specialist in medical hypnosis who has been practising for 25 years, and a specialist in general internal medicine and emergency medicine at the Clinica Sant'Anna in Sorengo) introduces a topic, that of medical hypnosis, which is still rather unknown even though it is increasingly being used in the health field: "Progress in medicine has made it possible to improve the treatment of most of the illnesses that afflict us, but on the other hand we have lost the awareness that we are also able to draw on our own resources to improve our well-being.

Read the full article at the following link.

Our speakers

Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Julia Schürch

Internal medicine