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A breakthrough in retinal imaging

The Swiss Visio Retina Research Center is pleased to share with you the latest advances in retinal imaging thanks to the innovative technology of Transscleral Retinal Illumination with Adaptive Optics (AO-TFI).

This innovative method, derived from space aeronautics and astronomy, enables in vivo detection of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells and, thanks to the recent addition of transpupillary illumination, also offers the possibility of simultaneously observing photoreceptors (PR).

Our researchers recently shared their work using adaptive optics at two major international conferences.

Under the direction of Dr Aude Ambresin, Dr Mihaela Chitoroaga, assistant professor at the research centre, presented a poster entitled "Adaptive Optics-enhanced Dual Retinal Layer Imaging and Region Reflectivity-based Segmentation: Unveiling Variances in Healthy and Diseased Retina" at the annual meeting of theAssociation for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology from 5 to 9 May in Seattle, USA. PD Dr Ambresin presented a free paper entitled "Adaptive Optics Imaging with Transscleral Illumination: a New Segmentation Method Based on Reflectivity" at the 130th Congress of the Société Française d'Ophtalmologie in Paris, France.

These two presentations highlighted the significant advantages of adaptive optics imaging with transscleral illumination compared with traditional methods such as optical coherence tomography (AO-OCT) or scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AO-SLO). Adaptive optics enables retinal pathologies to be identified by observing the deep layers of the retina at cellular level, making it possible to detect early retinal changes in a number of pathologies, such as Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). In this way, adaptive optics is helping to advance our understanding of the pathogenesis of retinal diseases.

Active since 2019, the Swiss Visio Retina Resarch Center was recognised in 2022 as a member of the European Vision Clinical Research Network of clinical research sites in ophthalmology. The centre is taking part in various multicentre studies and has initiated several single-centre studies. Our researchers are regularly invited to present their work at international ophthalmology and retina conferences.

We invite you to follow their work and to consult the official research centre page for more details on their activities.

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Swiss Visio

PD Dr med Aude Ambresin

Ophthalmology, Eye surgery, Retinal and macular diseases, Cataracts, Eye inflammation, Eye consultations View more