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Prix de Lausanne’s medical questionnaire

Prix de Lausanne’s medical process consists of an online medical form asking thorough questions regarding the dancer’s overall health. Please plan ahead and make an appointment with your doctor during the month of September as you will need to complete the online medical form along with your doctor.

Growth diagram

To complete your registration, please download the document below.

Only the following Prix de Lausanne’s diagram will be accepted, not a version of your physician.

Please upload the completed document in section 2 of the online questionnaire

Download the growth diagram

Medical questionnaire

Please answer every question in the presence of your medical practitioner.

Please note that all correctly completed forms will be confirmed by an automatic e-mail.
If this is not the case, we ask you to check that all the fields on the form have been filled in.

1. Dance participation
2. Physical development

Please indicate on the attached diagram the known data regarding the weight and height of the candidate during his/her growth

3. Family history
4. Personal history
a. Surgical
b. Medical

Have you ever had any of the following?

c. Allergies

Do you have any of the following ?

d. Injuries

Have you ever had: (please specify where and the date)

e. Medications
f. Vaccinations
5. Bone Health
a. Menstruration
b. Bone injuries
c. Nutritional behaviour
6. Eating Attitude Test
7. Mental health status

These questions relate to the past 30 days

8. Current state of Health

If YES, please fill in the questions below.

9. Conclusion

To be filled by the medical practitioner

The personal data collected on this form will be sent to MotionLab SA, the medical partner of the Prix de Lausanne 2024. It will be used by MotionLab SA to assess the state of health of candidates and to provide medical support to selected candidates during the event. This data will be processed in accordance with MotionLab SA's data protection declaration. This personal data may be passed on, in anonymised form, to the Fondation en faveur de l'Art Chorégraphique, organiser of the Prix de Lausanne, for statistical and research purposes.

I hereby confirm that the information I have provided is correct and that Swiss Medical Network can provide me with relevant information in the context of my request and thus accept the privacy policy.