News / Events

Our network of clinics and centres offer a multitude of news and events all around the year to various topics. Here you can find the most recent activities of the Swiss Medical Network. Stay connected!

Journée mondiale contre le cancer : collecte de fonds pour une vie active !

Congratulations to Professor Kaweh Mansouri

At the heart of Valmont: Simone's moving account of her rehabilitation with Sanka

Endlich fanden es wieder statt: das Kränzli in der Obach!

World Cancer Day : fundraising - for an active life!

La Domenica - From the slopes to the operating theatre

Nouveau programme GLA:D® Suisse Arthrose en physiothérapie

Welcome to Doctor Eleni Moschouri - Accidents and Emergency Department: 'Targeted examinations and straight to the specialist'

Glaucoma screening

INFOpmi Gold Edition - Integrated medicine: the paradigm shift

Des programmes de récupération optimisée qui mettent le patient âgé au coeur de nos processus