Patient undergoing therapy in psychosomatic rehabilitation

Psychosomatic rehabilitation

In integrative psychosomatic rehabilitation, we offer you the opportunity to find your own rhythm again. You learn to activate resources - your own as well as those from your environment.
Psychosomatic medicine is the practical realisation of psychosomatics in the treatment of patients. It deals with illnesses and conditions in which psychosocial and psychosomatic factors (including the resulting physical-mental interactions) play a significant role. Its task is to recognise, treat (somatotherapeutically, psychosomatically and medically as well as psychotherapeutically), prevent and rehabilitate these conditions.

What is psychosomatic rehabilitation?

Psychosomatics deals with the interactions between physical, mental and social processes; in the development, course and management of illnesses and circumstances that lead to mental suffering. Holistic, biopsychosocial thinking has become increasingly important in recent years, particularly in rehabilitation. A great deal of experience has been gained in the treatment of chronic illnesses.

Experience that clearly shows how complex the interplay of psychological, somatic and genetic (as well as other environmental factors) is. This interplay is very susceptible to disruption and the challenge for all people is to keep it in balance throughout their lives. This is the approach of psychosomatics. With the help of multimodal therapy, we work with you to analyse the disruptive factors, develop new coping strategies, uncover your own existing resources (natural self-healing powers) and activate them. This gives your sensitive system the chance to stabilise. The illness is seen as a healthy reaction of the physical entity. The patient learns to recognise how they can implement changes in order to achieve a new balance without the unwanted symptoms.

What are the goals of psychosomatic rehabilitation?

Based on our holistic therapy concept, we aim to provide treatment in which we work with you to set goals and develop individualised solutions. This includes determining your current situation and focussing on your problems at the start of therapy. In the course of the therapy, we enable you to find new strategies to solve problems and activate your own resources. The promotion of your self-confidence, the mindful handling of stress and a more conscious self-management in accordance with your own strengths, weaknesses and needs are worth striving for. Mental resilience - your resilience - is supported by increasing your mental and physical performance.

When is psychosomatic rehabilitation useful?

Psychosomatic rehabilitation is effective if you have lost your physical and/or mental balance as a result of internal or external events. We treat patients in whom psychological factors play a role. This includes illnesses in which psychological symptoms are directly to the fore, e.g. anxiety or depression, but also illnesses in which psychological symptoms play an important role as a cause or consequence of physical complaints.

What are the benefits of psychosomatic rehabilitation?

Thanks to the excellent, high-quality specialist care and the complex and multimodal therapeutic approach, we offer our patients the opportunity to rediscover their lost balance. They are given the chance to rediscover "life". To achieve this goal, our team prepares various therapeutic modules. These are specially adapted to your situation/illness and are based on sound specialist knowledge and many years of experience. We treat our patients in a targeted manner and with a great chance of improvement.

Selected diseases

Depression / anxiety disorders

Patients with predominantly depressive symptoms are integrated here. All other disorders, such as adjustment disorders or post-traumatic stress disorders with depression as a consequence, also benefit from the treatment concept provided. You will learn to identify and name the mechanisms that have led to the illness (functional analysis/emotional-cognitive) and to develop appropriate coping strategies. You will also take part in a general activating programme. This results in intensive conditioning and at the same time improves your well-being. You will discover a new body awareness and find joy in sporting activity. In group and individual therapy, the patient learns to improve their social, communication and interaction behaviour in small steps. This reduces their social avoidance behaviour. In order to achieve an optimal transition to normal life, your therapist will work with you to develop various contingency plans for dealing with future crises.

Chronic Pain

For all patients in whom chronic pain symptoms have led to cognitive dysfunction with protective and avoidance tactics, this focus offers the opportunity to find and maintain long-term behavioural changes to improve the situation. The treatment of chronic pain should always start at various points (including pharmacology, psycho-social intervention). This makes it possible to break the - in most cases existing and counterproductive - doctor-patient interaction cycle. Firstly, all pain symptoms are subjectively and objectively recorded. The jointly formulated goals then serve as the basis for the treatment plan. Rehabilitation generally involves activating measures in which you are given a new body awareness. The fear of moving and straining is dealt with on a psychotherapeutic level. You will improve your coping skills, activate your own resources and learn techniques that have a direct influence on physical processes (e.g. relaxation). Through motivation and support, building up pain tolerance and health-promoting behaviour, accompanied by carefully selected medication, you will be able to find your way back to a normal, independent and professional life.

Fear and panic

Fears, phobias, compulsions and disorders in which anxiety-typical ways of thinking and behaviour guarantee the maintenance of the system are problems for which we have prepared the following focus. In order to be able to effectively change these problems, which have often existed for years, the physiological basis and the pathology of the person affected must first be understood. The therapy includes an active part. This involves learning to see physical activity as a way of channelling the energy that has built up inside and at the same time rediscovering the body awareness that has been lost in most cases. In addition, we work on improving your self-control with the help of various forms of intervention/exercises. This will teach you how to counteract crisis situations preventively. You will learn how to apply various relaxation techniques and other therapeutic tools in your everyday life. In special cases, we also offer Espositos therapy. This gives you the chance to learn a wide range of strategies to help you break out of the circle of anxiety.

Burnout / Stress

More and more people are suffering from burnout or stress symptoms. The treatment concept is aimed at people with difficulties in dealing with everyday stress, which manifests itself on a physiological, motor and cognitive-emotional level. During treatment, you analyse your stress problems and are given the opportunity to recognise your own limits and uncover existing resources. This enables you to develop new coping strategies and learn a completely new way of dealing with stressful situations. Many people are confronted with pleasant experiences for the first time in a long time. You suddenly find time for yourself and discover your own needs, which you can also name. Life takes on colours (also figuratively in the context of art therapy) and the active therapy sessions provide a pleasant balance. This balance is very helpful in restoring inner equilibrium. The know-how we have learnt enables most patients to find their place in our society safely and efficiently immediately after their stay or after a short period of adjustment.


Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine that deals with the interactions between physical, mental and social processes, which play a decisive role in the development of the clinical picture. This is why there are many illnesses for which our therapeutic approach is helpful. This group includes, for example

  • Personality disorders
  • Dissociative disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Alcohol, drug and medication abuse without addiction
  • Other chronic organic illnesses, insofar as psychosomatic components are present

After careful preparation (e.g. a preliminary discussion, documentation review), these patients also have the opportunity to benefit from our programme. Each patient receives an individually tailored programme. Thanks to our team's broad experience and wide range of knowledge, patients make rapid progress. The flexibility and quick adaptability of our specialists are often the decisive factors that lead to success.

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