Privatklinik Lindberg

PD Dr med Walter Schweizer

Specialist in surgery, especially visceral surgery and general surgery and traumatology, FMH member

Areas of specialisation (2)
Further accreditations (1)
  • Privatklinik Belair

Contact me

Hospital (1)

Kirchhofpraxis Stadtzentrum
Kirchhofplatz 15
8200 Schaffhausen

Work Experience

since 2009

Group practice Durach, Durachweg 22, 8200 Schaffhausen with surgical activity at the Hirslanden Private Hospital Belair

since 2006

Privatdozent (PD Dr med.) at the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich (Visceral Surgery, Emergency Surgery, Transplantation)

1996 - 2008

Head of Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Schaffhausen, member of the hospital management

1998 - 2006

Privatdozent (PD Dr med.), Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern (Visceral Surgery, Emergency Surgery, Transplantation)

1994 - 1999

Visiting Professor Visceral Surgery, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat Oman


Visiting senior consultant in traumatology, Department of Orthopaedics, Inselspital, Bern (Prof. R. Ganz)


Lecturer at the medical faculty of the University of Bern (visceral surgery, emergency surgery, transplantation)


Member of the clinic management (according to "Insel 90")


6 months: Visiting senior consultant, Department of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Inselspital, Bern (Prof. P. Stirnemann, Prof. U. Althaus)


as senior consultant I


6 months: Surgical Polyclinic of the University, Cantonal Hospital Basel (Dr P. Linder)
3 months: University Department of General Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Basel (Prof. F. Harder)


Senior physician, University Clinic for Visceral and Transplant Surgery, Inselspital, Bern (VCHK)
Alternating activities: Department, emergency ward, outpatient clinic, operating theatre, intensive care unit, recovery room H-109)
Clinical and laboratory research


6 months: University Department of Urology, Cantonal Hospital Basel (Prof. G. Rutishauser)
6 months: University Department of General Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Basel (Prof. F. Harder)


4 months: General Surgical University Clinic, Cantonal Hospital Basel (Prof. F. Harder)
6 months: Private ward of the General Surgery University Clinic, Basel Cantonal Hospital (Prof. F. Harder)

1982 - 1983

25 months: Development aid assignment at St Francis Hospital, Ifakara, Tanzania; including 10 months as deputy head physician at the hospital (Dr W. Moll).
Scientific co-operation with the Swiss Tropical Institute. Tropical Institute.


3 months: Central Surgical Emergency Ward, University Department of Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Basel (Prof. M. Allgöwer, Prof. K. Pfeiffer).
3 months: Tropical medicine course at the Swiss. Tropical Institute, Basel, with final diploma
6 months: University Clinic for Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Basel (Prof. E. Grädel)


6 months: Surgical Intensive Care Unit of the University Clinic, Cantonal Hospital Basel (Prof. M. Allgöwer, PD Dr G. Wolff)
6 months: University Clinic for Orthopaedics, Felix Platter Hospital, Basel (Prof. E. Morscher)


6 months: General Surgery University Clinic, Cantonal Hospital Basel (Prof. M. Allgöwer)
3 months: Department of Anaesthesia of the University, Cantonal Hospital Basel (PD Dr H. Gerber)
3 months: Central Surgical Emergency Ward, University Department of Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Basel (Prof. M. Allgöwer, Prof. K. Pfeiffer)



Habilitation (Privatdozent) at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich


Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS)


Habilitation (Privatdozent) at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern


Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS)


Specialist FMH for surgery


Diploma in tropical medicine


Doctorate (Dr med.)


Swiss Medical Association since 1979

Medical Society of the Canton of Basel-Stadt since 1984

Medical Society of the Canton of Schaffhausen since 1996

Swiss Society of Surgery since 1987 (on the board 2000 - 2002)

Swiss Society for Gastroenterology since 1990

Swiss Society for Colo-/Proctology since 1990

Swiss Society for Vascular Surgery since 1990

Working Group for Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery since 1991

Swiss Society for Visceral Surgery since 1992

Swiss Society for General Surgery since 1994

Swiss Working Group for Hernia Surgery (co-president and co-founder) since 2007

SIC Sociéte Internationale de Chirurgie/ISS International Surgical Society since 1986

IATSIC International Association for Traumatology and Surgical Intensive Care since 1989 (founding member)

DGS German Society for Surgery since 1992

ICS International College of Surgeons since 1993

American College of Surgeons since 1995 (Fellow of the American College of Surgeons: FACS, and Governor Swiss Chapter 2005-2007)

DGVS German Society for Visceral Surgery since 1998

Royal College of Surgeons since 2000 (Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons: FRCS)

Honorary member of the International Society for Digestive Surgery since 2008

Corresponding honorary member of the Austrian Society of Surgery since 2009

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