News / Events

Our network of clinics and centres offer a multitude of news and events all around the year to various topics. Here you can find the most recent activities of the Swiss Medical Network. Stay connected!

Première européenne : l'implant suprachoroïdien MINIject

Bienvenue au Docteur Kévin Gillmann

Swiss Visio Montchoisi certified postgraduate training centre B

Swiss Visio Montchoisi reconnu Centre B de formation postgraduée

Welcome to Doctor C.P. Jonescu-Cuypers

Treatment of glaucoma during the COVID-19 pandemic

Find out your eligibility at Swiss Visio Valère!


Continuing education approval "Learning site practice monitoring care" for the Schmerzklinik Basel

Swiss Visio Montchoisi and Swiss Visio La Providence: training centres for 2022

Opening of Swiss Visio Pfäffikon
