News / Events

Our network of clinics and centres offer a multitude of news and events all around the year to various topics. Here you can find the most recent activities of the Swiss Medical Network. Stay connected!

Movember tombola

Bienvenue à Docteure Alessandra Spinelli

Giornale Sport - I miti della medicina dello sport

Herzlich willkommen Dr. med. Myrielle Hitz

Unser Ärzteteam wächst

Johnson & Johnson MedTech launches aluminum recycling project in Swiss Medical Network hospitals

Cancer de la prostate : dépistage, diagnostic, traitement et suivi.

Kantonale Berufsmeisterschaften 2022

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Consulenze mediche Radio 3i - Dr. Ivan Tami

Der erste Publikumsvortrag der Privatklinik Obach ist geglückt

Clinique Valmont wins first prize in the IMPACT category of the Riviera-Lavaux Economy Awards