Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Prof. Dr. med. Philippe Morel

Specialist in General and Visceral Surgery
Key specialty - minimally invasive surgery and robotic surgery

  • FMH member in Surgery and Visceral surgery
  • Former Department Head Physician at Geneva University Hospitals since 1995 and Surgery Department Director
Areas of specialisation (2)
Further accreditations (1)
  • Clinique de Genolier

Contact me

Hospital (3)

Clinique Générale-Beaulieu
Chemin de Beau-Soleil 22
1206 Genève

Work Experience


Independent surgeon, Swiss Medical Network

2004 - 2018

Surgical Director of the Swiss-French University Transplantation Center (Centre Universitaire Romand de Transplantation)

2001 - 2018

Head of the New Surgical Techniques Laboratory, HUG

1995 - 2018

Head Physician, Department of Visceral Surgery (HUG)

2008 - 2012

Head of Admissions and Emergency Center, Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)

1997 - 2006

Surgery Department Director, HUG


Full Professor at Geneva Faculty of Medicine 


Doctor with FMH specialty title in Surgery


  • Former President of the Swiss Society of Surgery (2010-2012)
  • President of the Foundation for New Surgical Technologies (FNTC), since 2000
  • President of the Insuléman Foundation, since 2000
  • President of the Fairtransplant Foundation since 2005
  • Vice-Chairman of Swisstransplant from 2005 to 30.09.2018
  • Member of the Pro Transplant Foundation Committee since 2005
  • President of The Geneva Institute Foundation since 2014
  • Vice President of the Foundation "Swiss Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery" since 2016
  • Switzerland delegate at the European Council in the context of Organ Transplantation (CD-PTO Group) from 1992 to 30.09.18
  • Various membership titles within diverse Medical and Surgical Societies



Title of Specialist in Surgery, Advanced Training in Visceral Surgery FMH


Title of Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva


Title of Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva


Title of Privat Docent, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva 


Title of FMH Specialist in Surgery, Bern


American Medical Exam ECFMG


Swiss Society of Surgery Congress, 1984
1st poster prize: "Tetracycline pleurodesis for recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax"
Ph. Morel, A. Spiliopoulos, R. Mégevand

Swiss Society of Intensive Medicine, 1984
1st scientific prize: "Effects of Atelectasis and Vascular Occlusion on the Simultaneous Measurement of Serotonin and Propranolol Pulmonary Extraction in Dogs" J.P. Gardaz, F. Dargent, Ph. Morel, P.M. Suter, A.F. Junod

Congress of the International Collegium Chirurgiae Digestivae (CICD), 1986 Jerusalem
GRASSI Prize: "The relationship between flow, pressure and diameter studies in (ex aequo) experimental bowel stenosis"
Ph. Morel, P. Lazarides, J. Alexander-Williams

Congress of the Swiss Society of Surgery, 1987
1st poster prize: "Cancer in the elderly: Is surgical treatment an acceptable solution?"
Ph. Morel, R. A. Egeli, A. Rohner

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