News / Events

Our network of clinics and centres offer a multitude of news and events all around the year to various topics. Here you can find the most recent activities of the Swiss Medical Network. Stay connected!

Arrivée du Dr Martin Zweifel

RSI – Come va? Aiuto! Arriva la cistite! - Dr. Paolo Broggini

Approfondimento - "Ansia e stress: due facce della stessa medaglia?"

Welcome to Dr. med. Alain E. Michel

Ticinonews SPORT – Abuso di farmaci nel calcio, dubbi e paure – Dr. M. Marano

Bienvenue au Dr Danilo Togninalli

New Swiss Visio site in Sierre

VISITE - Diskushernien

Consulenze mediche Radio 3i - Dr. Antonio Malgaroli

Anti-blue light glasses: what you always wanted to know

Settimanale Azione - Cuore e cervello: un dialogo (in)sospettabile

Bienvenue à Séverine Gautschi-Poite