Obesity and overweight

Obesity is when the amount of fat in the body is excessive. Obesity is a chronic disease that promotes other diseases. For example, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular problems is many times higher for someone who is obese.

Obesity occurs when more energy is consumed through food than the body can process. This means that the high food intake is almost always accompanied by too little physical activity. Psychological and genetic reasons also play a role.


There are various risk factors for developing obesity, including for example:

  • Metabolic diseases
  • Not smoking
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Wrong diet
  • Medication
  • Metabolic diseases

BMI calculator

The Body Mass Index calculator is an index defined by the WHO and can be an indication of obesity. The BMI provides information about the relationship between height and weight, and age also plays a role in the calculation.  It is calculated by dividing the weight by the height squared. The Body Mass Index (BMI) ranges on a scale from 18.5 (underweight) to over 40 (overweight grade 3).

Calculate your personal BMI directly here and find out in which range you are.

Body Mass Index Calculator

Weight (kg):
Height (cm):

BMI: -

More information about the BMI

BMI Table

BMI Weight
Under 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Healthy weight
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 - 34.9 Obesity Level 1
35.0 -39.9 Obesity Level 2

over 40

Obesity Level 3

*according to WHO

BMI Results

The BMI always has to be read in its context, the age plays an important role. Generally speaking the BMI according to the WHO has four main categories:

  • Underweight
  • Healthy weight
  • Overweight
  • Obesity

Inside those categories are different level of severities, all in all there are 11 different weight results.

BMI and Age

The BMI is influenced by age. Especially children and young adults are still growing, and body development can vary heavily between children thus it is not recommended to use the BMI for children and teenagers. In addition, with age, the body's fat content changes drastically and thus the BMI range changes with age.

Age optimal BMI
19-24 19-24
25-34 20-25
35-44 21-26
45-54 22-27
55-64 23-28


The most important part of treatment are lifestyle changes, with the help of calorie-reduced diets and regular physical activity.

Physiotherapy and nutritional support also play an important role.


Physiotherapy care is not about burning calories, but about rebuilding a more relaxed relationship with your body.

We want to help you:

  • Feel your body better and enjoy moving it
  • Improve your mobility
  • Increase your physical activity by changing your lifestyle habits

Individually or in a group, we offer you weekly care that is tailored to your physical abilities. Our physiotherapists adapt the programme to your abilities and personal situation and help you find the motivation you need!

Our team of physiotherapists regularly attends training courses to keep up to date with new practices and to be able to use them in a meaningful way.

Dietary - nutritional care

Diets make you fat - so why continue down this path? Our method pays direct attention to your eating behaviour and your environment.

We advise and accompany you.

  • Interpret your eating feelings correctly and make the right decision (hunger, satiety).
  • Learn how to enjoy eating without guilt.
  • Establishing routines
  • Illumination of emotional influences

Classes in the group - workshops

Our support is carried out in group sessions. In regular workshops, participants exchange ideas and discuss various topics, for example:

  • Sensations when eating
  • Dealing with emotions
  • Relationship with the body
  • Obstacles to change.

The aim is to be able to talk freely about everything and not feel guilty.  Talking is the most important remedy, whether you are obese or overweight.

We find a specialist for you


Rivista Spazio Salute - Fat is not beautiful

La Domenica - Here's how I treat your obesity