News / Events

Our network of clinics and centres offer a multitude of news and events all around the year to various topics. Here you can find the most recent activities of the Swiss Medical Network. Stay connected!

La Consulenza Rete Uno - Dr.ssa Chiara Arrizza

Pre-operative therapeutic education group

Ticino Welcome - A comprehensive approach to the health of the elderly

Podcast Parlons'Onco - Programme de réadaptation oncologie

GLA:D® physiotherapy for knee and hip osteoarthritis

VIVA - Réseau de l'Arc gewinnt den Viktor Award 2023

La Domenica - 'Padel boom, but also injuries'

VIVA – Réseau de l’Arc remporte le Viktor Award 2023

SKY tg24 - Linfedema, la giornata mondiale 2024

Neuer Horizont für medizinische Praxisassistentinnen: Erstmaliger MPA-Anlass in der Privatklinik Villa im Park

Journée mondiale du rein

Handwerkskunst und Hightech für Schmerzgeplagte