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Movember: health is a gentleman's business

For 20 years, the Movember campaign has been raising awareness of men's health in the second-last month of the year, from mental health and suicide prevention to prostate and testicular cancer. However, Movember not only affects all biological men, but also their families, friends and workplaces.

Find out more here about preventive measures, which medical check-ups are really necessary and where you can get an appointment.


Movember is an annual campaign held in November to raise awareness of men's health. It was founded in Australia in 2003 with the aim of raising awareness of prostate and testicular cancer, as well as mental health and suicide prevention. Numerous organisations and individuals around the world are now involved in Movember, organising events, launching fundraising campaigns and running awareness campaigns.

The campaign is extremely important, as men in particular often pay less attention to their health and are less likely to seek medical help. However, prevention and check-ups are very important in order to recognise and treat illnesses at an early stage.

To raise awareness of Movember and collect donations, men around the world grow a moustache for a month after a final shave on 31 October.

4 tips for men's health

Listen to your body

You know your body best. If something feels strange or you have a bad feeling, seek (medical) advice. Early detection is important in the treatment of illnesses.

Get yourself checked

Go for regular check-ups.

  • From puberty: Feel your testicles regularly and consult a doctor if you notice any changes or are unsure.
  • From the age of 35: See a dermatologist every three years for a general check-up and have your entire skin surface examined by a dermatologist (skin cancer prevention).
  • From the age of 45: Have your prostate, genitals and inguinal lymph nodes examined by a urologist every year.
  • From the age of 50: Consult a gastroenterologist for your colon cancer prevention.

Talk to others

Don't neglect your mental health. Talk to your family, friends, acquaintances or an expert about the things that concern or worry you in your life, be it stress at work, your role in society, diffuse fears or your health.

Do yourself some good

Chronic stress makes you ill. Give yourself and your body regular breaks. Eat healthy, stay active and meet other people.

More male healthcare topics

Prostate cancer

Vasectomy (sterilisation/reversal)

Erectile dysfunction

Arrange your preventive check-up now

Screening is an important part of the fight against prostate and testicular cancer. In our 21 clinics and over 60 medical centres throughout Switzerland, many specialists are at your disposal. Choose the location that's right for you.


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Testicular cancer: self-exam

Do a self-examination once a month.
  • Examine the testicles while standing in the shower or after a warm bath when the skin of the scrotum is relaxed.
  • Roll the testicles back and forth between your thumb and index finger.
  • Make an appointment with a urologist if you feel any bumps, lumps or swellings.

Our prostate cancer centres

Urologiezentrum Bethanien
Centre d'Urologie Générale-Beaulieu

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  • Movember: health is a gentleman's business