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RISE method: First aid for sprains or bruises

The RISE method: first aid in the event of a misstep

A fall during sport or a misstep in everyday life can happen faster than you think and can lead to sprains, bruises, torn ligaments or fractures.

The RISE method describes the initial treatment for such an injury and helps to alleviate pain, reduce swelling and support healing. In this article, we explain how the method works and when you should show the injury to your doctor.

How the RISE method works

RISE describes the four steps for treating an acute injury. It is not only easy to remember, but also offers quick and effective help. With the RISE rule, you can significantly influence the healing process and avoid major damage.

  • Rest: After an injury, the affected body part must be relieved immediately and immobilised if possible.
  • Ice: Cool the injured area. The cold constricts the blood vessels and thus counteracts haematoma and swelling.
  • Compression: A compression bandage prevents the bleeding or swelling from spreading.
  • Elevation: Position the injured body part above heart level. This reduces the blood supply and the swelling can be reduced.

When to see a doctor?

If you experience the following symptoms, we advise you to see your doctor.

  • If you feel a tearing or cracking sensation
  • If the pain is very severe
  • If your mobility remains restricted
  • If the swelling increases significantly
  • If there is a misalignment of the affected body part

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