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Quality management

All healthcare professionals at Clinique de Genolier strive on a daily basis to ensure patients receive safe, high-quality care.

As a result, Clinique de Genolier has implemented a continuous improvement strategy for safe, high-quality care that places the patient at the top of our priorities. Over the years, we have been able to develop a true culture of quality within the facility.

Our objectives

Our continuous improvement strategy for safe, high-quality care is defined by several objectives to ensure we provide the highest standards of personalised, quality care to all our patients.

Develop care services in keeping with our mission of being a facility within a private group

Inform patients about their health and respect their rights

Provide high-quality pain, nutrition and care management

Pursue the quality and risk management approach

Create a culture of safety

Make the existing assessment approach sustainable and involve the teams by communicating the results and their progress

Implement this continuous improvement strategy for safe, high-quality care on behalf of everyone

Quality indicators

Thanks to our commitment to the National Development for Quality (ANQ), we implement various indicators such as:

  • patient satisfaction
  • further surgical procedures
  • rehospitalisations
  • prevention of falls and pressure ulcers
  • nosocomial infections
  • register of orthopaedic implants

«Environmental watchdogs» have also been set up:

  • materiovigilance (Swissmedic)
  • haemovigilance (Swissmedic)
  • pharmacovigilance (Swissmedic)
  • hospital hygiene (in accordance with the current HPCI [hygiene, infection prevention and control] regulations in French-speaking Switzerland)



This label is a mark of recognition for our commitment to the training of doctors. The aim of postgraduate training is to provide doctors with the knowledge they need to obtain the title of specialist. The institutions providing this training must meet strict criteria in order to be recognised by the federal authorities.

Swiss Cancer Network

The Genolier Swiss Oncology Network is certified by the «Swiss Cancer Network» label, which aims to promote and guarantee the quality of the treatment of oncology patients by several means, including the quality of the structure, the process and the results.

Our specialists

At Clinique de Genolier, our staff are dedicated to the quality of our facility, both towards patients and members of staff.

HPCI Nurse – Hygiene, Infection Prevention and Control

The duties of the HPCI nurse are to organise, coordinate and implement actions related to recommendations in Hygiene, Infection Prevention and Control and to monitor compliance with these measures. As an expert, he or she is responsible for preventing and monitoring the risk of infection and for providing training to employees.

At Clinique de Genolier, he or she is tasked with transversal and multidisciplinary action in order to ensure safe patient care.

MSST Coordinator – Occupational Health and Safety Medicine

The role of the Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator is to support senior management, line managers and employees in carrying out their tasks related to occupational safety and health protection.

Together with the MSST Committee and the specialists from H+, the national association of private and public care institutions, he or she co-organises thematic training courses and participates in Clinique de Genolier’s audits.  In view of the various occupational hazards present at the workplace, he or she proposes objectives and measures to improve working conditions for all employees.

Care Manager

The care manager is the contact person for patients admitted to Clinique de Genolier. Both trained nurses, our two care managers support private patients throughout the duration of their stay. Their support begins before admission to hospital and continues during the stay with various visits. They ensure that patient requests are met and coordinate care providers throughout the hospital stay. They monitor patients after they are discharged and also manage post-hospital care, for requests from treatment and rehabilitation centres, medical care centres, etc.

Care managers provide patients with personalised care tailored to their needs and also act as a reassuring point of reference throughout their stay and beyond. They provide mental and logistical support to inpatients to ensure that their stay is as pleasant as possible.

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Clinique de Genolier is a member of the following professional associations.


The competence centre for quality assessments in hospitals and clinics

The ANQ coordinates and implements standardised quality assessments in acute care, rehabilitation and psychiatry throughout Switzerland. The publicly published assessment results enable hospitals and clinics to further develop their quality in a targeted manner.

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Swissnoso is dedicated to reducing nosocomial infections and multidrug-resistant germs that can occur during a stay or treatment in a hospital. Practicable modules are offered in the area of surveillance and prevention. The Swiss Medical Network institutions continuously monitor possible cases of infection or the long-term course of wound healing and report these to Swissnoso. Useful data for quality control is generated and evaluated from this.

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Together with the employee organisations in the healthcare sector, H+ has developed an industry solution for the implementation of the legal provisions regarding occupational safety and health protection. This also includes regular hazard identification in the hospitals in order to reduce safety risks, create optimal working conditions for employees and prevent illnesses or accidents through sustainable absence management.

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