Supportive Care Center

For people living with cancer, the diagnosis and treatments cause physical, psychological, and social damage. This is why the Clinique de Genolier has set up a Supportive Care Centre.

Its aim? To help patients manage the impact of their disease, reduce the undesirable effects of treatment, improve the quality of life of patients, facilitate the return to daily life, and enable them to resume their professional activity.

The centre

What is supportive care ?

Supportive care refers to all the care and support that a person with a serious, chronic illness may need throughout his or her life. In oncology, supportive care is complementary to specific cancer treatments (surgery, radio-oncology, medical oncology, etc.).  

The global approach to supportive care results in the coordination of multidisciplinary medical and paramedical staff. It aims to :

  • Actively involve the patient in his or her care and give him or her confidence in this new stage of life
  • Direct people with cancer to the available resources best suited to their personal situation
  • Help the patient to manage the physical, psychological, social, and emotional impacts of their illness

The activities

Supportive care is structured around the four key areas of oncology rehabilitation, which are:

  1. Psychological support
  2. Physical activity
  3. Nutrition
  4. Well-being

The activities of the Supportive Care Centre are offered either in group workshops or as individual care. The individual workshops/care led by the psychologists, dietitians, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists are on medical prescription and covered by the LAMAL.

Some therapists are ASCA and RME certified and covered by complementary medicine insurance.

The price should not be an obstacle. In the event of difficulties, the nurse will assess the situation and seek solutions.

Who is concerned ?

All patients with, or who have had, cancer are concerned, at any stage of their journey.

As part of the psychological support, meetings are also organised for family carers, as cancer does not only affect the patient but also the people around them.


If you wish to participate in activities or if your doctor advises you to do so, make an appointment with the Support Care Centre nurse for a preliminary interview. An initial assessment and history will be taken to determine your needs and wishes.

+41 79 509 76 50

A monthly programme of group and individual workshops is offered, which you can receive by email or consult on our website.

4 rituals for daily life

The activities offered

Psychological support

  • Psycho-oncology
  • Psycho-Onco-sexology
  • Medical hypnosis
  • Sophrology
  • NLP
  • Coaching for return to work
  • Social worker of the League against Cancer
  • Café Rencontre
  • Caregivers' meeting
  • Art therapy


  • Therapeutic massages
  • Energy treatments (Reiki, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Kinesiology)
  • Sonotherapy
  • Look Good Feel Better
  • Nail, hand and foot care
  • Look Good Feel Better
  • Self-image coaching
  • Wigs, tattoos...

Physical activity 

  • Adapted physical activity (Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist)
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Qi Gong
  • Fencing
  • Physiotherapy, lymphatic drainage
  • Occupational therapy
  • Snowshoeing
  • Stand Up Paddle
  • Sailing
  • Other seasonal activities


  • Diet workshops
  • Preparation of festive meals with the Chef

The team

The team is composed of :

  • Nadine Pierre et David Di Rollo, Coordinators of the Oncology Unit
  • Sandra Deflon, Marina Camelin, Anne Ghini and Philippe Schneider, the referral nurses

The team collaborates with many health professionals:

  • Christelle Lafosse, Sophrologist
  • Stéphanie Lancia, Massage therapist
  • Dr Camprubi, Psychiatrist
  • Psychologists
  • The clinic's physiotherapists and occupational therapists
  • Social workers...