Find your dream job with us

A total of 3'926 employees of 53 different nationalities work for the well-being of our patients 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in more than 200 professions.


Job offers

Find the right position for you in one of our exciting fields and join Swiss Medical Network:
  • Hospitality 
  • Doctors
  • Nursing
  • Administration
  • Technical Service
  • Place of learning
  • Practical training
  • Logistics
  • Operational area

Check for our offers

Our employees tell you why should join the Swiss Medical Network

Adriàn Guyon Figuero
Technical radiology assistant
Clinique de Genolier

Francine Python
Clinique de Genolier

Marina Lepetit
Clinique de Genolier

The advancement of women is a matter of course for us

Find out how Swiss Medical Network places women at the heart of the group and gives them special importance.

En savoir plus

Why Swiss Medical Network ?


At Swiss Medical Network, we celebrate our employees! Every year, various events take place to show our great gratitude to our employees: from the Induction Days at the Flagship Clinique de Genolier, to the Junior Days dedicated to all apprentices and under-25s, to the Nurse Days and Medical Days.

Junior Days 2023

Medical Days 2023

Education and training

Swiss Medical Network is a multilingual company in three language regions of Switzerland. Our employees benefit from language courses and the possibility to have an assignment in another clinic in Switzerland.

Furthermore, we offer exciting CAS, are training locations for various professions and live a hands-on mentality.


4'000 employees and over 53 nationalities - diversity is the order of the day for us. In the network, people with the most diverse cultural, linguistic and professional backgrounds work together towards one goal: the health of patients. The advancement of women is also close to Swiss Medical Network's heart, as more than 60 per cent of all management positions in our Group are held by women.

Read more about the advancement of women with us

Join us as an accredited doctor

Doctors’ satisfaction is one of our main priorities

Joining Swiss Medical Network means benefiting from a first-class technical platform and having great flexibility in your daily work. It is the possibility of practicing on several sites and benefiting from the advantages of working in a network.