The type of aftercare is determined according to the treatment the patient has undergone.
If the cartilage has been treated surgically, the patient must not bear weight on the knee joint for six weeks. In this case, the patient will use crutches.
Immediately after the operation, the knee joint is immobilised using a special splint. This will be worn for two days. After that, the splint is only worn at night for six weeks.
As the knee joint can only be bent a maximum of 30° in the first 14 days after the operation, an orthosis is used during the day. Over the next six weeks, the patient can begin to gradually increase the flexion of the knee – from 60° to 90°. During this time, walking is only allowed while using crutches.
If the patient has undergone resurfacing, the knee joint can bear weight and be moved from day one. To protect the new joint, it is recommended that crutches are used for the first few weeks. The most important part of the aftercare is several weeks of intensive physiotherapy to strengthen the thigh muscles.