Clinique de Genolier

Dr. med. Humberto Delgado Velez

Areas of specialisation (2)

Contact me

Hospital (1)

Clinique de Genolier
Route du Muids 3
1272 Genolier


  • Care of type 1 and 2 diabetics with multiple cardiovascular risk factors

  • Endocrine disorders

  • Current treatments and new technologies

  • Micronutrition

  • Therapeutic education


2019 - 2020

Diploma in Micronutrition, Swiss Society of Micronutrition, SSM


Title of FMH Endocrinology-Diabetology


Diploma in Therapeutic Patient Education, University of Geneva

1989 - 1992

University speciality training, Endocrinology, René Descartes University, Paris, France


Doctorate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador


Science Baccalaureate at the Lycée Salésian San José, Manta, Ecuador

Work Experience

since 2024

Independent doctor, Genolier Clinic

since 2018

Head of the "Lifestyle modifications and type 2 diabetes remission" programme

2022 - 2023

Doctor in charge of the DIAFIT programme, Hôpital Pourtalès,RHNE

2020 - 2023

Hospital doctor in diabetes and endocrinology, Réseau hopsitalier Neuchâtelois, RHNE

2010 - 2020

Doctor in charge of the Diabetes Department, Clinique La Lignière


Doctor in charge of the DIABAIDE project, Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte

2008 - 2009

Senior Doctor at the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Centre in Le Noirmont, Jura

2003 - 2008

Deputy Chief Doctor at the Clinique Genevoise in Montana, Valais

2001 - 2003

Head of the Division of Diabetology-Endocrinology, CHUV

1998 - 2000

Head of the Division of Therapeutic Education for Chronic Diseases of Professor Jean-Philippe Assal, HUG

1996 - 1998

Internal medicine at Professor Jean-Philippe Assal's Therapeutic Teaching Division for Chronic Diseases, HUG

1994 - 1996

Full-time Doctor, Endocrinologist-Diabetologist, Internal Medicine, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris, France

1992 - 1994

Internist in the endocrinology department of Professor Gérard Cathelinau, Hôpital Saint Louis, Paris, France

1989 - 1991

Trainee in the endocrinology department of Professor Jean-Louis Chaussain, Hôpital Saint-Vincent de Paul, Paris, France


Director of the family health programme at the "Rio Manta" Health Centre, Manta, Ecuador

1988 - 1989

Resident doctor at the Quito Health Centre, Ecuador

1987 - 1988

Internist at the Hospitals of the "Junta de Beneficiencia", Guayaquil, Ecuador


25.01.2024, le Journal, Canal Alpha : When diabetes interferes in children's lives

When a disease is declared, it can be a huge struggle for a family. Daily life is turned upside down, and they have to deal with the administrative side of the disease. This is the case for people suffering from type 1 diabetes. This autoimmune disease occurs suddenly, usually in childhood. The pancreas of a child with this form of diabetes stops producing insulin. How can the medical profession help the families affected? We talk to Humberto Delgado Velez, endocrinologist and diabetologist at RHNe.

Conference: Lifestyle as a treatment for type 2 diabetes


A new Diabetes and therapeutic education Centre opens at the Clinique de Genolier

Conference by Dr. Delgado on the Reversibility of Type 2 Diabetes